Sunday 8 September 2019

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Aries ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You may feel that you have been putting a lot of time and effort into something that isn't working. This may be a relationship. It may be a job. It may even be a dream or an important goal you have been pursuing for some time. This is a good day to begin evaluating what you are doing and why you are doing it. Is it worth continued time and effort, or could you spend those precious commodities in other ways? Think this through - because you need to pour your energy into something that is worthwhile.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aries ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aries ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Medical needs of grandparent prompt visits to hospitals or rehabs. You feel concerned for the future and what it might hold. Talk your concerns out to a romantic partner. Sharing a secret or even a regret could bring you closer together. Today your charisma, aptitude, and qualities are in full charm. You are ready to share your insights and creativity with your colleagues. Be open-minded in all you do today and you might gain the attraction of an unlikely person. Sometimes opposites attract. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Taurus ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Taurus ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
When a deer sees, smells, or senses a predator coming through the woods, he may not flee immediately. He may stand there, silently, and very still, hoping to be missed. Sometimes camouflage is an excellent defense. Sometimes springing into action when one feels threatened is not the best way to go. In fact, it can make you even more vulnerable in certain circumstances. You certainly aren't trying to avoid a hunter now, Taurus, but some situation in your life may feel threatening on some level. Don't jump into or away from anything. Consider taking the wait-and-see approach. It may resolve itself if you don't make sudden moves.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Taurus ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Many warm to your charisma as you present a new idea in a creative way. Enjoy the company of new networking contacts at social gatherings. You may be surprised by all the support you suddenly find that you have. Amidst all your revelry, take care of your health and your belonging. Keep valued possessions in your line of vision to avoid being a victim of theft. A ceremony, tour or get-together is possible for today. Begin a new relationship or revive an old one. Domestic ups and downs, new plans and fresh discoveries are on their way. Impulsive acts would be unwise. Talk things over with your partner and agree to disagree if needed. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Gemini ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Gemini Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
There is something that you have worked at very long and very hard, Gemini. But despite your best efforts, things have not turned out as you imagined they would. You may have come to the conclusion that you or your efforts were not good enough. But maybe it is the other way around. Maybe what you see as a grand opportunity is not good enough for you. Maybe that's why it has not worked out. This could be a blessing in disguise. You did your best. When a brighter chance appears soon, pour that same effort into it for success.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Gemini ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
A relationship in trouble is causing you a great deal of stress. Do what you can to redress the situation but know when there is no other option but to cut your losses and start again. At work, your efforts have earned the attention and admiration of someone in power. Your attention to practical details, to projects and repairs, is praised. You feel pulled in a myriad of directions right now. Try to remain focused. Don't just back out, meet a problem head-on. Your partner is ready to offer support so talk over your concern. Don't let the many voices around you drown out the wisdom of your own self. Trust your intuition and listen to what your inner voice has to say.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Cancer ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Cancer ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
As people get older, they may turn to cosmetic surgery or other cosmetic skin-care enhancements to make themselves look younger. But some of the most important aspects of both youth and beauty reside in the mind. We have all known young people who seemed old beyond their years. And we have all met older people who seem to radiate youth. No matter how old you are now, Moonchild, don't get sucked into thinking you have to change something about yourself to appear better to someone else. Work on yourself from the inside out. If your happiness and youth come from inside, you will radiate in no time.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Cancer ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Travel plans could face some difficulties as you are held up by paperwork or restrictions. This is an ideal moment to get more fully in touch with your spiritual core. Connect with a teacher who has new insights to offer. A pilgrimage of sorts with a parent or mentor could be enormously uplifting. This is a good time to start a new relationship. Stimulating conversations and socializing dominate your day. An exciting change may be in store. Others look to you with high expectations. Remember that love and companionship is what matters most. Work as hard in a relationship as you would at anything else you truly love! 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Leo ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Leo  ‎‎Friday, ‎‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
When two people disagree strongly on something, they bring out their best arguments - especially Leos. And the more they try to defend their own point of view, the deeper they dig in. But when it becomes about winning the argument rather than learning or sharing ideas, then we fail to see the whole truth. You may now or soon be involved in an argument about a strong point of view. Be open to hearing what the other person has to say, and think it through thoroughly, Leo. You may learn something quite valuable.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Leo ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Travel plans could face delays as you deal with a loss or new loss of someone close to you. This prompts real introspection. Make the most of this opportunity to get more in touch with your spiritual side. Look for positive comfort and consolation and avoid vices and poor decisions you'd regret later. Near and dear ones need your help and support right now. You feel empowered and ready to console others or lighten their load. Take care of your health right now. Make sure you show your partner how much you appreciate them. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Virgo ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Virgo Friday, ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
The intensity of a problem you have been dealing with is slowly winding down. You may not believe this yet because you may still be dealing with loose ends and lingering issues connected to this. You may even feel that you can't go on facing this particular music, but you must. Keep in mind that it will be over in the blink of an eye, and it will be a successful and happy ending for you - one that feels harmonious and fulfilling. Keep going, Virgo, you are almost there.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Virgo ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
A change of environment would do you a world of good. You feel weighed down by the competition around you. Rise above the noise of gossip and ill will. Spend time with those you trust and hash out some plans for the future together. Love and romance are on a high note and you may spend an unforgetting night with your partner. You want to express your love for a special someone. Go ahead and voice those desires. Others are tuned to your emotions. Rise above any small-minded concerns and plan something larger than life today.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Libra ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Libra ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You are a noble person who often feels that you have to right wrongs, stand up for underdogs, and fix situations that have problems. Many people relish this about you and appreciate having you there to be on their side and solve their issues. It's almost as if you can't help yourself sometimes, Libra. When you see something that needs your attention, you take charge. But you may be better off sitting out a current or upcoming problem - even if it seems to really need your help. Allow someone else to fulfill their responsibility this time.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Libra ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
An injury or accident could prompt a visit to a doctor or hospital to attend to your health or the health of a loved one. Share the worries that are weighing on you with someone you trust. The competition you find yourself pulled into is a mental drain. Step outside of your usual social circle and talk with positive-minded people who can lift you up. Work and home are both peaceful at the moment. While affairs are in order, pay attention to family and loved ones. Trust your intuition and listen to that inner voice telling you to slow down, pay attention and focus on what is good in all that's around you. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Scorpio ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Scorpio ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You are a flirt, Scorpio. Sometimes you can't even help yourself because it's a natural trait that you were born with. This is not always a romantic thing. Flirting can be fun, light-hearted, and innocent. This is simply a way that your charm shines through. But sometimes, even when it is not intended in a certain way, someone may take your natural flirtatious spirit in the wrong way. Be careful of that. Rein in your natural charm to a more subdued level. That way, you can avoid an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Scorpio ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You are dying for a break from the daily cares of life. Get out and partake of a new club or new company. Your magnetism attracts others to you and you will find plenty of support of an idea that's dear to you. Make romance and a little special time with your partner a priority. Today offers you ideal opportunities to connect with others. Relatives, neighbors, colleagues, and employees are ready to offer your companionship and support. Communicate difficult feelings in a diplomatic way so as not to give offense. Your creativity and caring really resonate with your partner today.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Sagittarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Sagittarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Someone may be chiding you for your involvement in something that you do not see as very important. They may be raising valid issues over the foolishness of pouring your time and effort into something so unimportant. Don't let that get to you, Sagittarius. If this is occurring in your life now, then it is probably because this unimportant matter is important to someone you care about, and that is a noble thing. Let any criticism fly over your head. Your honorable intentions are all that matter here.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Sagittarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
A father figure or boss is going through some distress, perhaps impacting health. Your advice is needed on a major purchase or renovation that a relative is exploring. You may feel cut off from your usual social group today. Try out a new way to express yourself, maybe via writing, art or music. Money management is important right now. Make a compromise and do some budgeting and prioritizing together. Financial and other practical concerns may feel like they are bogging you down right now. Deal with them and you will be able to move onto more exciting matters in no time! 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Capricorn ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Capricorn Friday, ‎‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
It is often said that misery loves company, and we all notice that some people seem to love misery. There may be someone in your life now who seems to actually enjoy problems, troubles, and heartaches. And when this person seeks you out during one of these spells, they may feel better if you join them in miserable camaraderie. But that will only bring you down, Capricorn. Instead of using your energy to feed someone else's dark mood, use it to deny that thinking with smiles and positive vibrations. That would be an excellent way to respond.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Capricorn ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
A long-distance travel plan might need to be converted into something briefer at present. The needs of a sibling take precedent as you work to assist a parent or elder together. Communicate well by listening and speaking with care. Spiritual insights are likely today. Remain calm in conflicts that may arise today. Misunderstandings may arise but can be fixed easily with a caring gesture. Friends and coworkers are ready to connect. Stop comparing yourself to others and just be yourself. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aquarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Aquarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You are someone who makes your most important decisions very carefully, Aquarius. You believe that things that are important are worth the time and effort, and thinking everything through can save you from making a mistake. So, you weigh your options and compare and contrast what is happening before you decide. But a decision that is made quickly is not necessarily a bad decision. Sometimes it can be an excellent strategy and the right choice in the end. In fact, you may have impulsively made a choice recently, but you could be doubting it because it came so easily. Don't dwell in doubt. Trust in what you felt and hope for the best.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aquarius ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
Travel plans may need to be rescheduled, as your partner's family undergoes a stressful situation. A loss is possible today. Make family a priority. Plan to share a meal together or go see a show. It is time to reconnect after a recent trying time. Today is the day to reassess and revise personal goals. Wait on a project until you are really certain what you want. Speak your mind to your partner and express your views. Resolve arguments completely.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Pisces ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Pisces ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
If you were to spill a glass of juice on a newly waxed floor, it might make you feel upset for a moment or two. But then you would get out the cleaning supplies and the mop and clean up the mess. Before you know it, the floor would be sparkling once again in no time. But when you face a problem that affects you emotionally, it can seem like it will never be all right. You need to take the same approach with a personal matter that you would take with a glass of spilled juice, Pisces. You can handle a current problem easily if you look at it and treat it that way.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Pisces ‎Sunday, ‎September ‎08, ‎2019
You have an important decision to make, maybe one that is taxing your ego and sense of self. Get a partner or significant other's opinion as this impacts both of your happiness. Hold a meet to hash out a plan with family or close friends. A big change is possible today. Today is an ideal day to forge some new and meaningful relationships. Even opponents will recognize the value of your skills. You are feeling confident enough to motivate others and to be an effective leader. Make sure you are listening as well as speaking though, especially at home with your significant other.