Monday 2 September 2019

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Aries Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
You may be driven to the point of distraction with a new venture, Aries. Once you set your mind onto something, it is full steam ahead. But before you go to any great lengths to set this thing in motion, you might want to carefully review your other options. If you dive into this mission, you might wind up missing out on something that is much, much better. An opportunity awaits you, but it might appear mundane. Look beneath the surface, and you may discover something that is really going to be worth your while.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aries Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aries Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Accidents or injuries involving relationships keep you busy today. Your travel plans might have to wait or be rescheduled for some more distant time in the future. You may find yourself worried about your standing with your colleagues. Keep your head down, continue to work hard and stay out of the fray of gossip. A new relationship or partnership is likely now. Your love life is calm and composed, offering you attention and support. Make sure you give back what you receive. A positive frame of mind is critical right now. Perceptions quickly become reality. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Taurus  Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Taurus Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" might be a fine way to say it is wise to cherish what you already have, rather than letting that go in search of even more. However, Taurus, this advice does not always apply. Right now, you may be tempted to hold onto something that is your second choice simply because you fear that you may not get what you really want. But how much do you want it? If you think that you won't feel satisfied if you don't try, then you need to reach for what you really want. The regret of not trying could be far deeper than the loss itself.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Taurus  Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
A small change could make a big difference today. Update your look or wardrobe. Invest in yourself and allow yourself to have some fun and unwind after a lot of hard work. Your creativity just needs the right setting to shine through. Follow your gut in decision making. New friends and professional contacts are likely today. Engage in some productive idea sharing. Speak with care when trying to get your point across. Someone alluring may be interested in you right now. Think it through before agreeing to any plans. More options may present themselves soon. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Gemini  Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Gemini Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
There is something you do so well - and not just well, but also so quickly - that you leave others far behind in your dust. This may leave certain people feeling jealous and resentful of your super-charged speed and efficiency. That does not mean, of course, that you should slow down or get sloppy in order for others to like you. You have certain gifts that others do not have, Gemini. Continue to do your best. This will elevate you to the top. It may be lonely at the top at times, but the view is magnificent.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Gemini  Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Tending to the needs of loved ones means that you are now required at hospitals, rehabs, even prison settings. You are working through a lot of mental stress so be sure to get adequate rest and find solace in spiritual beliefs. Practical matters, like repairs or renovations, should be resolved rather than put off. Celebrations are at the top of your priority list today. A sudden invitation to a fun excursion may be headed your way. Take time to bond with your partner in a simple and heartfelt way. You are very in sync right now and ready to truly enjoy each other's company. Intimacy, and truly making time for it, is the need of the day. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Cancer Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Cancer Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Have you had a deep longing recently for something that once was, but you think can never be again - at least in its former incarnation? Such thoughts may make you feel melancholy, regretful, and alone. But you are not lost, Moon child, and this is not over. Although what once was cannot be duplicated or repeated, it can come back to you in another form. When you accept that and acclimate to it, you will see that it offers you a wonderful new dimension of peace, happiness, and clarity.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Cancer Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Look to an elder sibling for support today. Communicate your worries to them and engage in some short, shared travel perhaps. Your charisma draws many people towards you. Create new and engaging opportunities for yourself via the rich networking opportunities that today offers. Keep your heart and mind open right now. Let go of bitter memories from the past and enjoy the present. Your increased emotional strength is an asset in your romantic relationship. Elders, especially parents, may also require your care and attention. You may find good advice or even an amorous connection where you least expect it. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Leo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Leo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Roar loudly and fiercely today, Leo. You have something important to say, and it must be heard and respected. You may have said this before, giving someone the benefit of the doubt by expecting them to come through for you on first notice, but they did not. This time, you need to make it very clear that you are serious. Your inner kitten may have expressed what you were feeling that first time, but now you need to let your fierceness show through to make the strongest impression possible.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Leo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Those around you make steep demands of you today. You find yourself thrust into the role of advocate and emotional supporter. This might need to take precedence over travel plans or reservations for a show or dinner even. Be a good communicator and listen and speak with care. An email or call may suddenly change your day. Weigh all decisions carefully. Don't commit without weighing the pros and cons. A short trip or some quiet quality may help you make you see more clearly if what you have started now is going to last.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Virgo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Virgo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Prosperity is an abstract concept. To one person, it might mean having enough food to eat, enough water to drink, and a roof over their heads. To someone else, it may mean a wealth of friends and family. More commonly, perhaps, it means actual financial wealth. Whatever type or types of prosperity you are seeking now, Virgo, it can be yours. But don't approach your efforts to have it with the fear that you won't be able to obtain it. Approach it with warmth, hope, and an open mind and heart. Anything is possible when you believe in it.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Virgo Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Long distance travels are in order now. You may find yourself in the company of a father figure or mentor as you engage in a pilgrimage of sorts. Be open to new spiritual vistas and insights. This can be a valuable time of learning if you are willing to allow a teacher to help you see. Romance may not be a high priority right now. Mundane concerns may feel draining. Take stock of your personal priority and be open to new relationships that may be headed your way if you are open to them. If you wish to enjoy the pleasure of being fully loved, taken care of and cherished and adored by a man, you'll want to learn the art of flirting. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Libra Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Libra Sunday, ‎Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Someone you know and may be dealing with now appears to have a powerful sense of purpose, a strong sense of self, and an enormous amount of confidence. That's how it appears on the surface, at least. Recently, though, this person may seem to be craving flattery and attention. It would be easy to see this behavior as arrogant and selfish. But what it might actually signify is a lack of purpose, a fear of being powerless, and a lack of confidence. If you indulge this individual's need for attention, Libra, you may be able to help raise their self-esteem. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Libra Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Own your mistakes today. There's no way of knowing how someone will react to your mistake unless you confess. Work hard to get your mind off yourself and do for others. Volunteer for charity work or pay an overdue visit to an elder in a hospital or rehab. You are in a transitional phase right now, ready to be enriched and excited. Take time to build up your relationship. Do something kind and surprising for your partner. Think twice and act wise is the motto of the day.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Scorpio Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Scorpio Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
You may be the sexiest sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, but that does not mean that you are a player. It also doesn't mean that you don't often long for a stable, secure, warm and fuzzy romantic relationship. Right now, that may be exactly what's on your mind. If you are attached, you will hopefully have no trouble expressing this to your mate. If you are single, you might want to open up a bit more to your partner and show your sensitive, vulnerable side. Open up and let your partner see that side of you. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Scorpio Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
You could use a change of scenery today. Family conflicts are weighing you down. You are worrying over a big decision or plan that needs to be resolved. Taking a break to enjoy some new company or have a new experience would help prepare you to make a good call. This is an ideal time for self-analysis. Work to understand your deepest emotions. The limitations in front of you may be self-created. If so, you yourself can then dismantle them. Listen to the advice of those closest to you and don't dodge responsibilities, especially towards others. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Sagittarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Sagittarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Do you have any idea of how to truly relax, Sagittarius? Of course you do, even though certain people in your life may not think so. They may be urging you to chill out, de-stress, and do something for yourself that fits in with what they see as relaxing. However, you probably have other ideas because what works for you may be vastly different from what works for your loved ones. However, they do care. So, reassure them that all is fine, and do your own thing. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Sagittarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
The presence of someone from your past is keenly felt by you 
today. The lost of your usual company of friends may have you feeling isolated. The best remedy is to stay the course with your work and your relationship. Schedule a heart to heart with your partner to see things seem from their view. You crave connection now and are ready to speak what's in your heart. Relish time spent with loved ones, with friends old and new. Verbalize your emotions. Show your love and gratitude. Make your partner know how much you care. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Capricorn Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Capricorn  Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Your life right now may seem a bit like "Groundhog Day," the film in which the main character lives through the same day over and over until he learns some amazingly valuable life lessons. This may be the case for you now too, Capricorn. You are in a phase that is favorable to self-learning and learning in general. If you keep repeating certain experiences, it can certainly be exasperating, but there are very valuable lessons to be learned. Once you learn them - and you begin to apply these lessons - you will start seeing this learning experience in a different light. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Capricorn Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Be diplomatic as you try and resolve a problem in a relationship. At the same time, it is vital to know when to let go. A disconnection could actually lead to a new opportunity though it may be hard to see that now. Trust to a higher purpose and power. Not everything need to be fully understand to be believed. Don't get hung up on a search for praise or attention today. You may need to offer yourself congratulations for your hard work and accomplishments instead of waiting for others' admiration. If you are feeling restless, channel that energy into something productive. Let your partner take the lead in an issues that has been vexing you both.

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aquarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Aquarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
The phrase "dance like no one is watching" is a nice way to say that you should do what your spirit feels and tells you to do rather than worrying about what anyone else thinks or says about it. That is something you need to take to heart today, Aquarius. You may have an idea or a goal that you believe will not sit well with someone whose opinion you value, so you may be editing or refining your choices accordingly. But this is your life, and your happiness, so pleasing someone else will not please you. Dance like no one is watching. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Aquarius Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
After a recent loss, there are numerous practical concerns that require your attention. Don't put off a renovation or purchase or sale that needs to be dealt with. Use today to reconnect with a loved one you haven't spoken to in awhile. Get outside of your own problems and help someone else through theirs. Verbalize what's on your mind and in your heart. Your creative powers are in full effect and can release you from the boredom that's been nagging you. You may feel inspired to revitalize your romantic relationship. Make some changes but take it slow. Keep your romantic priorities in order. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Pisces Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019

Daily and Today's Horoscope Pisces Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
When it is sunny, it is easier to feel happy. When it is raining or when you are on the beach listening to the never-ending rhythm of waves crashing on the beach - it is easier to reflect. The natural world around us can have a dramatic impact on the way we feel and the way we think in many ways. Taking time in nature for someone as sensitive as you, Pisces - especially around water - can have a calming and soothing effect. If you are in need of tranquility now, seek out a place that inspires you. The right surroundings can help you a lot right now. 

Daily and Today's Love Horoscope For Pisces Monday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2019
Your partner's family has experienced or is experiencing a loss. Put pen to paper to express how you really feel. A visit to a gallery or show would be a useful bonding experience with a sibling or maternal figure. Seek out time in a new environment. Complex situations may weigh on you right now. Your partner is willing to lend you a hand so take them up on the offer of assistance. Finances and romances go hand in hand now. Deal with any difficulties together openly and you will overcome problems with ease.